Why Is Health Insurance Important ?

Unlike most developed nations boasting universal healthcare, the United States functions on a privatized health insurance model requiring individuals pay for coverage that kicks in when medical needs arise. While debates continue on reforming the system, existing flaws spotlight why carrying proper health insurance remains vital.

Let’s examine key realities American families and individuals face that demonstrate why securing coverage serves as an essential safeguard providing peace of mind.

Shielding Finances from Massive Unexpected Costs :

Thanks to extensive diagnosis requirements, advanced technology utilization, high drug prices and extensive hospital stays, healthcare costs can spiral out of control with even minor incidents like broken bones, flu complications or managing chronic conditions. This causes sticker shock.

For example, the average cost for an emergency room visit exceeds $1,500. Childbirth hospital stays ring in at $10,000 or more. Open heart surgery can surpass $150,000 while intensivist care runs $4,000 per day! Having insurance containing out-of-pocket cost maximums reduces risk of money crises.

Access to Preventative & Routine Treatments :

Beyond solely mitigating sudden issues, health insurance plans crucially cover preventative services intended to catch problems early and routine primary care helping manage underlying conditions before escalation. This sustains long-term wellbeing.

Examples include annual physical exams, reproductive health screening, pediatrician visits and critical immunizations that allow early detection and treatment affordably via low office visit copays or full coverage. Skimping can cause minor symptoms to erupt into major issues over time. Having this regular care funded ensures health stability.

Meeting Enrollment Requirements :

Another key motivator for maintaining health insurance involves eligibility requirements to access additional assistance programs if battling more serious illnesses. For example, one must carry existing insurance to qualify for supplemental disability benefits or charities offsetting major treatment costs. Gaps in coverage can nullify aid sources.

Availability Regardless of Employer :

Unlike other countries where government administered universal healthcare travels with citizens regardless of job status, American insurance still heavily ties to employment. This results in coverage gaps whenever transitioning roles. Avoiding delays by purchasing affordable private plans provides continuity protecting families during career moves.

In Summary

While the United States continues debating nationalized medicine to reduce reliance on private health insurance similar to other developed nations, the current climate still necessitates Americans carrying adequate plans minimizing budget risk posed by astronomically high medical costs and maximizing access to care promoting wellness.

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